Salut et Fraternité
version 1.6.7

Introduction :

To convert dates... This pun isn't even funny... But we won't fall into the adversary falts... We won't try to convert anybody by the force, no more than dates... And if asked only...

The republican calendar didn't had luck, it lasted only thirteen years. His original definition contains an error wich first occurence was to happen on year XIX. By the fact, the year begins on the fall equinox day and a leap year is inserted every four years, adding a sixth complementary day, the Revolution day. But the equinox is not so regular and this argument was used to abrogate the republican calendar and to come vack to the gregorian calendar: it was done by Napoleon on January 1, 1806. Nivose 11, year XIV didn't exist oficially. Nivôse 11th, year XIV never existed officially. But there are two simple manners to fix the problem.

For the software Salut et Fraternité, this second opition was chosen. Le true father of the calendar is Gilbert Romme. Fabre d'Eglantine gave very pretty names, but didn't work on the calculations. Anyway, the calendar was created as a result of a Romme proposal. This option gives besides a simple and regular systme for the complementary days, and avoids the calculation problems when the true equinox is very close to midnight.

But, for historic reasons, there is a difference of one year with Romme's proposal. He had wroten his decree project before year 4 and proposed that this year shoudl be the first leap year. But the guillotine actuality decided the things would be different. His project wasn't adopted and the year 3 has been the first leap year, for equinoxial reasons.

The software respects perfectly the historic period (year 2 to year 14, for genealogists), and applys the Romme project (with one year difference) without calculating the true equinox. This may cause one day difference with the fall equinox after the year 19, for some years... The leap years are not the years multiple to 4 (as in the Romme project). During the historic period, there were the years 3, 7 and 11. So the leap years are the years before a multiple to 4.

  1. The program is completely freeware, and can be used without any moderation... I'm waiting for your critics or compliments...
  2. Send me a mail, to indicate me every default of the program, or if you want to be warned about every new version of the program...
  3. The files for Mac may be uncompressed with Stuffit Expander. The file for Windows was zipped.

The main window :

The software opens on the current day date, from the computer's internal clock. The date in the bottom frame is the equivalent republican date.
The gregorian date may be modified using the two popup menus, to choose the day and the month. The chosen year may be entered directly in the text field, followed by an <ENTER>, o may be modified using the arrows.
The republican date is instantly updated.

The two bottons Aujourd’hui and Généalogie open other windows of the sofware.

The Copier button copies in the computer's clipboard the calculated date (in french), so it can be used in an other software, for instance:
« Armoise, Septidi, 7 Thermidor, An 213 ».

The Aujourd’hui window :

Ths window opens clicking on the Aujourd'hui button in the main window, which closes itself at the same time. The date in the window is the current date. Just below is the decimal time (each day is composed of ten hours of 100 minutes of 100 seconds).

The three Officiel, Poétique and Simple buttons copy in the computer's clipboard the current date (in french), so it can be used in the an other software as a text processor or a mail software.
Officiel : « Le 7 Thermidor, An 213 de la République sociale, universelle et indivisible ».
Poétique : « En ce joli jour de Armoise, 7 Thermidor, An 213 ».
Simple : « 7 Thermidor de l'an 213 de la République ».

When closing the Aujourd’hui window, the main window comes back.

The Généalogie window :

This windows opens itself clicking on the Généalogie button in the main window.

It is used as the main window, but the date conversion occurs in the opposite sense, which may be very useful for the genealogists working on the revolutionary documents. It would be useful too for the people who wants to know the next gregorian date for their republican birthday.

The Preferences window :

This window is reached be the Calendrier menu, Préférences sub-menu.

The bottom's window color may be changed. When opening for the first time, the color is a very revolutionary red, maybe agressive for sensitive eyes.

The republican year may be wroten in arabic digits or roman digits.

When the Image de Saison option is checked, a bottom image which represents the season appears in the republican date field.
The Démarrage option is set to choose the window which appears when the software is launched.

The selected options shall be the same every time the software is launched.

The menus :

The sub-menu Un peu d’Histoire from the menu Fichier opens a new window where the republican calendar is summarily explicated.

The sub-ùenusfrom the menu Dater copy the current republican in the computer's clipboard, so it can be pasted in an other software, as a text processor or a mail software, as the buttons in the Aujourd'hui window.

The Web menu gives an access to diferent websites on the internet.

  • Brumaire is the website from the software's author (
  • Calendrier Républicain is the table of contents page from the same website, for all about the republican calendar.
  • Téléchargement is the download page of the softwares from the website.
  • Textimus / Décadi is the Decadi Website, from the Textimus association.